The Problem: Using Wormholes for Time Machines...

ABOUT the VIDEO About the PHYSICS BEHIND THE SCENES - BEXLEY Physics In Trouble HOW DID THEY DO IT? The Worm in the Wormhole Time Machine Bexley Photo Gallery 2008 Innovation Award Nominees Local Business Support The_Problem Marshall Barnes Brings The Reality Of Fringe to Life National Lab Day IS A REAL MASSIVE DYNAMIC POSSIBLE? Tech Companies Support National Lab Day #1 NLDScientist Bettering Our Schools? NLDHubble NLD Grandview Heights NLD Light Refraction Grandview Heights High School and the Reality of Time Data Analysis at Summit Academy The Nature of Time Experiment USASEF Gallery ADVANCED CONCEPT ADVENTURES NLD at AAAS The "Fringe" Of Science IS ANY OF THIS REALLY "REAL"? A BRIEF HISTORY OF FRINGE SCIENCE ON THE REAL FRINGE Marshall Barnes, R&D Eng = The Best In STEM The Oppenheimer Strain WHAT'S TO COME IN THE REAL FRINGE Where It All Began Marshall Barnes at the USASEF Business STEM Support Critical Thinking At Bexley Press Press Room 2 Press Room 3 D.C. TIme Party Mars Society Conference Education Visionary Grandview Heights and the Oppenheimer Strain Photo THE UNIVERSE AS "IT'S OWN MOTHER" Mars Society Conference In Grapevine, TX Time Runs Backwards Marcon 2012 OSU Wexner Center Math and Science Club Beats Hawking! Time Machine Prototype At Grandview Heights High School STEPHEN HAWKING'S FEEDBACK MISTAKE 14th Annual Mars Conference Road Trip SPonsored by GreyHound

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